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Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days!

JPJQ's CD Release Party in Vancouver BC...

...was a thoroughly wonderful experience!

We spent a week in Vancouver, visiting and catching up with friends, and Adam and I got to lay a few tracks down on Benton Roark's (the songwriter who composed "Tears of Sorrow" on our I Want Love album) upcoming record, Deep in the Pocket and Still No Change (if you want to support his album's creation, you can help him here.)

Finally the big day arrived and we played a great show at The Fox Cabaret, celebrating the release of our album, and supporting the work that's already been done on Benton's and Jen Lewin's upcoming releases. The Fox Cabaret were such welcoming hosts, and I couldn't have asked for a better lineup of bands.

JPJQ Team Vancouver +2 (trumpeter Jeremy Vint and Trombonist Ellen Marple) was up first, playing selections from the I Want Love album - not enough time to do it all, on a 3 band bill - and it went really well! It was such a joy to be back playing with the people who made the album possible in the first place, and to see so many of our friends out enjoying the show (and on a "school night," even!)

The guys sounded great and the horns were hotter than the stage lights - Thank you all so much!

Following JPJQ was the wonderful Jen Lewin Band (of which I was a member, many moons ago) - Jen even had me sing along on one of her tunes.

I'm so glad that she's back playing her originals; they are just so beautiful, and I hope she finishes her record soon so you can all hear it! (Incidentally, since Jen was the one who originally introduced me to Adam, it's unlikely that the JPJQ would ever have been founded without her... so forever thank you to her for that!

Finally, Benton Roark and the Rollaway All-Stars (yes, that's right, I even had a costume change - you can take the girl away from the theatre...) rocked the house with some of Rollaway's "greatest hits," and and some awesome new tunes to be featured on his soon-to-be-released album with the Benton Roark Band. (Remember, you can pre-purchase and help make the album a reality by supporting him at )

Then it was back to Oregon, to get started on what seems to be proving to be a busy and wonderful summer (although of course it got cloudy as soon as we were finished unpacking in our new apartment, so I haven't been able to fully enjoy the pool (!) yet).

We're finalizing personnel and instrumentation for JPJQ Team Portland (we had the same instrumentation as Team Vancouver for our CD release, but since we have access to an amazing vibrophonist in our current drummer, Timothy VanCleave, we're considering a switch) in advance of a couple of gigs we have already booked for summer and fall.

The first of them is on Monday, August 15th at the Center for the Arts Plaza in Gresham! Their "Music Mondays" summer concert series is a great, free show that we're so lucky to be a part of.

Also upcoming is a "secret" show that will take place on September 18th. We'll post more information as we are able, but it's going to be a great time, with lots of amazing performers, and you can hear about it right here - or sign up for our mailing list and be the first to know!

Hope your summer is beautiful, and that you come out and see JPJQ soon!

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